How are you connected?

These days, there are so many options. So, which do you go for? Here are a couple of questions your IT supplier should be asking to help you find the best solution: How many users are there in your household/organisation? How mobile are these users? Do they travel far? What Read more…

Electricity & Electronics

Of course, all electronics need some form of electricity to function, but what happens when you get far too much current going through a device? Short answer: The same thing that happens to everything else – it fries. So, how do you protect your devices? Fortunately, there are a lot Read more…

Windows or MacOS

Windows or Mac? A common question weget all the time. So, is there a winner here? Strictly speaking, each of them has merits anddownfalls. Where Apple devices are usually sleek andflashy, Windows devices are often cost-effective andpractical. MacBook Airs cater well for people who are on themove a lot and Read more…